June 2024 No. 45


Between Hong Kong and Taiwan: Social Development and Media Interactions
Editor's Note
Page. 1
/ 黃順星
Shun-Shing Huang
【Introduction】Between Hong Kong and Taiwan: Social Development and Media Interactions
Page. 29
/ 李立峯
Francis L. F. Lee
跨域電影產製的中心更替: CEPA後香港-中國大陸合製電影的網路分析
Structural shifts in the film coproduction network: Demonstrating CEPA’s effect on the Hong Kong–Mainland China coproduction network by using social network analysis
Page. 61
/ 張時健
Shih-Chien Chang
Keywords:coproduction movie, social network analysis, Hong Kong cinema, international division of labour, transnational cinema
傷痕文學視角下的後社運香港流行曲: 沉默、抒情與暗碼書寫
Understanding the Postsocial Movement in Cantopop Through a Scar Literature Lens: Silence, Lyricism, and Coded Writing
Page. 109
/ 周嘉浩
Kar Ho Chow
Keywords:Postsocial Movement Cantopop, Trauma Literature, Scar Literature, Coded Writing, Coded System
沒有人是孤島: 三個臺灣媒體節目對「移臺港人」的再現分析
No Man Is an Island: An Analysis of Three Taiwan Media Programs’ Representation of “Hong Kong Migrants”
Page. 147
/ 陳嘉銘
Chan Ka Ming
Keywords:cultural feelings, subjectivities, Hong Kong, migrants, media representation
殖民視覺暴力與文化清洗見證: 日治初期臺灣原住民電影活動的初體驗
Visual Violence of Colony and Witnesses to Cultural Genocide: Retracing Cinema Experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan in Early Japanese Colonial Period
Page. 1
/ 劉現成
Hsien-Cheng Liu
Keywords:Cultural Genocide, Indigenous Cinema, Film Historiography, Cinema of Attraction, Logistics of Perception
一生理想破滅、價值敗壞的悲哀與覺醒: 李怡《失敗者回憶錄》讀後感
Ideals Shattered, Values Broken: On a Journalist’s Rude Awakening and Sad Reflection
Page. 35
/ 李金銓
Chin-Chuan Lee
"Inter-territorial cultural flow between Taiwan and Hong Kong: The past and future" Conference Organization
Page. 185
/ 管中祥
Chung-Hsiang Kuang
「那陣時不知道」:後殖民政治下的 香港流行音樂與臺港交流
"Didn't Know Then": Hong Kong Popular Music under Post-Colonial Politics and Taiwan-Hong Kong Exchanges
Page. 197
/ 簡妙如
Miaoju Jian