December 2014 No. 26

跨媒體時代的語藝學: 理論與現象之對話

Rhetoric in the Transmedia Age: A Dialogue between Theory and Phenomenon
Editor's Note
Page. XV
/ 張玉佩
Yu-Pei Chang
Words from the Special Issue's Editor
Page. XV
/ 林富美
Fu-Mei Lin
Social Movement Actors and Rhetorical Choices in the Internet Age
Page. 3
/ 林靜伶
Jing-Ling Lin
Keywords:social movement actors, persuasive functions of social movement, social movement rhetoric, rhetorical choices, Internet age
Regrets about American Historiography on Modern Chinese Transformation: From a Rhetorical Point of View
Page. 35
/ 肖小穗
Xiao Xiaosui
Keywords:modern transformation, rhetoric, historiographical writing, history of thought, modernization-oriented reform *
隱喻即視覺化的語藝行動: 網路時代談視覺語藝的古典根源
Metaphors as Visualized Rhetorical Acts: Exploring the Classical Roots of Visual Rhetorics in the Network Era
Page. 63
/ 沈錦惠
Mary Chin-Hui Shen
Keywords:visual rhetorics, visualization, visual thinking, multimedia literacies, poetic wisdom, metaphors
視覺性的超越與語藝的複訪:   數位時代視覺語藝的初探性研究
Beyond the Visuality and Revisit of Rhetoric: A Preliminary Study on Visual Rhetoric in the Digital Age
Page. 107
/ 邱誌勇
Chih-Yung Chiu
Keywords:digital, visuality, visual rhetoric, software *
眾聲喧嘩即倫理實踐:從Mikhail Bakhtin 的語藝觀談起
Heteroglossia as the Practice of Ethics: A Perspective on Rhetoric from Mikhail Bakhtin
Page. 137
/ 王孝勇
Hsiao-Yung Wang
Keywords:Mikhail Bakhtin, outer dialogicity, the practice of ethics, heteroglossia, rhetoric, parodic performance
「預期媒體影響的影響力」之反制反 動員效果:第三人效果與選舉行為
Antidemobilizing Effect of the Influence of Presumed Media Influence: Third-Person Effect and Voting Behavior
Page. 177
/ 林素真、馬立君
Sue-Jen Lin & Li-Chun Ma
Keywords:demobilization effect, political apathy, political efficacy, thirdperson effect, cynicism
福島危機中台灣民眾對核能的風險感 知與態度:政黨傾向、核能知識、 信任與科學傳播的角色
Risk Perception and Attitude toward Nuclear Energy during the Fukushima Crisis: The Role of Party Identification, Trust, Nuclear Power Knowledge and Science Communication
Page. 223
/ 陳憶寧
Yi-Ning Katherine Chen
Keywords:political trust, party identification, nuclear power knowledge, science communication, Fukushima
新聞記者的想像思維: 再論想像與新聞報導的關聯
Connections between Journalists’ Imagination and News Reporting and Writing
Page. 267
/ 蔡琰、臧國仁
Yean Tsai & Kuo-Jen Tsang
Keywords:news, imagination, reporter, writing