June 2023 No. 43


Digital Transformation of Journalism: Crises, Challenges and Solutions
Editor's Note
Page. 3
/ 黃順星
Shun-Shing Huang
Digital Transformation of Journalism: Crises, Challenges and Solutions
Page. 3
/ 洪貞玲
Chen-Ling Hung
Revenue Destruction and Distribution Dependency: The Economic Impact of Digital Platforms on Newspapers and Magazines in Taiwan
Page. 7
/ 劉昌德、蔡蕙如、洪貞玲、張春炎
Chang-De Liu, Hui-Ju Tsai, Chen-Ling Hung, & Chunyen Chang
Keywords:Platformization, media industry, news publishers, digital platform
Taiwanese Experience of News Media Entrepreneurship: The Creation of Five Business Models
Page. 57
/ 陳順孝
Shun-Hsiao Chen
以公共政策介入手段扶持新聞業存續與發展: 平台問責途徑與公共預算途徑的跨國比較
Policy Approaches to Supporting Sustainable Journalism: An International Comparison of Public Policy Interventions Based on Platform Accountability and Public Expenditure
Page. 93
/ 羅世宏
Shih-Hung Lo
關鍵字:公共政策介入、公共預算途徑、平台問責途徑、新聞業危機、新 聞業補助政策、新聞議價
假訊息管制與言論自由的平衡: 美國網路中介責任的邊界探察與反思
Balance Between Disinformation Regulation and Free Speech: The Legislative Boundaries of the Responsibilities of Online Platform Intermediaries
Page. 153
/ 盧建誌
Chien-Chih (Jesse) Lu
關鍵字:《通訊端正法》第 230 條、平台責任、言論自由、假訊息、善良撒瑪利亞人
臺灣 2016 和 2020 年立委選舉中候選人臉書貼文策略的影響
The Impact of Political Candidates’ Facebook Message Strategies During the 2016 and 2020 Legislative Elections in Taiwan
Page. 199
/ 譚躍、周軒逸、林芮君
Yue Tan, Hsuan-Yi Chou, & Ruei-Jun Lin
關鍵字:自我揭露私生活、社群媒體選戰、情緒傳染、認知處理、廣告 訴求、臉書政治參與行為
Keywords:self-disclosure of private life, social media campaign, emotional contagion, cognitive processing, advertising appeals, political engagement on Facebook
Taiwanese Media Reporting COVID-19 Disinformation Crisis: A Mixed-Method Study of Technological Epidemic Prevention Regarding Health Personal Data, Privacy and Security Issues
Page. 245
/ 林翠絹
Trisha T. C. Lin
Keywords:public health crisis, content analysis, data security, COVID-19, news framing, data privacy